Giving Hope
Through Hardship

Pj’s Promise Inc. helps families of children 
with pediatric illnesses by lightening 
their financial burden.

Someone To Lean On

By linking families with similar experiences, we aspire to establish an atmosphere conducive to sharing narratives, exchanging counsel, and deriving fortitude from one another. We aim to alleviate isolation during this harrowing journey and promote the development of enduring support networks.

Transparency, Accountability, and Cooperation

We aim to sustain a lasting impact and honor our pledge to families confronting the challenges of pediatric illnesses.

The 2 Ways You Can Help

Give Hope

Share your experience or an encouraging
message to support those currently fighting.

Our Story

As a mom that knows all too well, my heart goes out to parents struggling with all the unforeseen expenses like airline tickets, motel stays, food, etc., while their child/children battle lifelong diseases in and out of hospitals. As a parent, we want the best doctors and choices in healthcare, and sometimes that may require flying to a different state for treatment. At PJ’S Promise Inc, we are passionate about lessening that burden for parents.

After receiving overwhelming news in 2014 that both my boys had a rare genetic condition that wreaks havoc throughout the endocrine system, we had another devastating diagnosis in 2016, six weeks apart, that both were positive for neuroendocrine cancer of the pancreas. As a family not expecting the extreme financial hardship of 2 sick kids, we sold everything we had and moved into a camper for survival to give our boys the best treatment possible.

Our family is forever grateful to our community for the support and grace we are still given today. Our plans at PJ’s Promise Inc, with the help of our donors, can significantly impact these families’ trials, and we plan to pass it forward one family at a time.